
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chalean kick-my-butt extreme

Workout for the day-DONE and DONE! I started Chalean Extreme which is a wonderful beachbody program designed to build lean muscle and shed fat. Who wouldn't want that? I was surprised to discover how hard the workouts are even though I've been working out and lifting weights for years. I really like how Chalene focuses on proper form and encourages you to challenge yourself. Plus, Chalene Johnson is a great motivator and all around awesome person (i really like that). The workouts would be great for beginners too, since exercises can be modified for each skill level. The important thing to remember is to start with lighter weights focusing on proper form and move up as you begin to get more comfortable with the technique. I can see that my greatest challenge may be that I am going to have to slow down. Building muscle requires rest; however, even knowing that I seem to have two speeds-racehorse or snail speed-and nothing in between. I can't wait to see how my body changes.

Check out this transformation. 

You can find out more about Chalean Extreme on my website www.beachbody 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Too much to do and too little time

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed with todo lists and just can't seem to catch your breathe, yet alone find the time or motivation to workout? Well, today is just like that for me. I have been tackling my todo list all day since it's my day off at the hospital and I work all weekend. I still need to desperately eat something (baby's HUNgry), get groceries, clean the house, do laundry, catch up on emails, finish my work at home, and pack a bag for the hospital incase baby Bradley decides to pop out early, and the list goes on and on. And I thought this was my day off-sheesh!

I could ramble off a pretty long list of reasons why I cannot find the time since I have often been called the queen of excuses. I tend to find that I spend a great deal more time making excuses than the actual time it would have taken to just do it. Just do it? Huh, there's a thought. Nike sure did coin a good catch phrase. I hate to admit it but couldn't agree more. Of course, that it so much easier said than done, especially when you are already exhausted from your day.

Why on earth would you want to spend what little free time you may have to work out? I could answer this by going on and on about the health benefits associated with regular exercise or even how it will pay off in the end, but I am not going to do that. I believe that the answer is something different for everyone, something more personal. For me, I will workout today, because I made a promise to myself to not give up on this. I made a promise for me, not for anyone else. I want my life back. I refuse to be depressed, be tired all of the time, have a poor self image and lack self confidence any longer! I refuse to allow that little voice in my head that says "you can't do it or too this or that" to get the best of me once again. Screw you, tiny little voice, I'm doing it! (It sounds better with a little sass)

45 minutes later........

So that brings me to where I am right now. I just finished my workout and feel awesome. Well, actually I just got my butt kicked and I'm pooped, but I feel so accomplished for the day. I feel as though I could go climb a mountain, okay so maybe not. Afterall, I am almost 9 months pregnant. Yikes! Where does the time go? Before we know it, this little one will be here, and I will have even less time.

Here's my plug for the day:
No matter what your excuse may be to not workout-I'm sure you have some good ones-do it anyway! Make a choice to "just do it!". Not only will you feel better physically, but you will start to feel better emotionally, as well. With consistency, you will start to see and feel yourself change and gain a better self-esteem, higher level of self-confidence and just feel better about yourself all the way around.

Just know that you are not alone in your struggles and you do not have to go through this process alone.