

The Basic Principles of Eating Clean

Eating clean involves not only choosing the right foods to eat but also avoiding all of the junk foods and processed foods that are so readily available. The keys to good health and proper nutrition are in the following principles:
  • Eat whole foods: Whole foods are foods that haven’t been tampered with, in the lab or the manufacturing plant. The foods you eat on this plan are straight from the farm: whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds.
  • Avoid processed foods: Processed foods are any food that has a label. A label means that more than one ingredient was used to make that food. You don’t have to eliminate all processed foods (like whole grain pasta or natural cheeses), but if you can’t pronounce an ingredient on a label, don’t put that food in your shopping basket.
  • Eliminate refined sugar. Refined sugar provides nothing but empty calories. Other sweeteners can be used, but with all the good foods you add to your diet, refined sugar really has very little place in the eating clean plan.
  • Eat five or six small meals a day. By eating smaller meals throughout the day you can help rev up your metabolism and reduce the chance that you’ll eat some Potato chips rather than that whole grain cracker with nut butter and strawberries. When you eat healthy, nutrient dense food consistently you will crave junk less often or not at all.
  • Cook your own meals. Instead of buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch. That’s not as hard as it sounds! Clean, whole foods need little preparation beyond chopping and sauteing to make satisfying, delicious meals your family will love.
  • Eat lean protein and complex carbohydrate for most of your meals. When you do snack or eat a meal, make sure that meal is balanced. For the most satisfaction from your diet, and so you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food, combine protein with carbs and healthy fat. This simple act will fuel your body and squash hunger pangs.
  • Eat within 1 hour of waking. This will jump start your metabolism 
  • Eat healthy fats. For food, healthy fats should be around 2 servings a day
  • Spread out your calories. Try to keep your calories spread out, although my largest two meals are my first meal and my fourth meal each day.  Aim to eat your small meals roughly every 3 hours.
  • Drink Water and lots of it. Aim to drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day. Your minimum intake (in ounces) should be your wait divided by 2. Water aids in maintaining your metabolism. Dehydration can reek havoc on your body and can cause you to overeat.
  • Pay attention to portion and serving sizes. Your plate should be comprised mainly of nutritious vegetables. A serving a protein should be roughly the size of the palm of your hand. Fruits and complex carbohydrates should be about the size of your fist. For instance a small apple or 1 cup of cooked whole grain rice.
  • Avoid eating 2-3 hours prior to bedtime. Eating close to bed may cause difficulty sleeping and since carbohydrates are used to fuel your daily activity, more may be stored as body fat if left unused. If you are hungry go for green or lean protein. This will also help to avoid hunger pings or raiding the fridge in the middle of the night.
  • Determine the cause of your craving and address it prior to indulging. Many times, the cause of craving is related to dehydration, lack of sleep, boredom, or stress. So drink water, try to get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night, do something to keep your mind and body business (go for a walk, clean the house, read a book, play with the kiddos or pets)


How Whole Foods and Eating Clean Help You Stay Healthy

What you eat really does have an effect on how you feel. Eating whole foods and avoiding junk food — a clean eating lifestyle — can keep you healthy or help you regain your health if you haven't been well. Follow these precepts and you will have a better chance at living an active life:
  • It’s easier to maintain a healthy weight, which reduces the risk of several diseases.
  • Eating a good variety of foods ensures you get adequate amounts of most essential nutrients.
  • Relying on whole foods is the best way to get a good combination of micronutrients.
  • Whole foods keep you satisfied longer so you’re less tempted by junk foods.
  • Foods high in micronutrients can help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar.
  • There are some nutrients we haven’t yet identified that are present in whole foods but not in supplements.
  • Whole foods help keep your digestive system regular.
  • Eating a healthy diet makes you stronger so you can stay more active.
  • Avoiding artificial ingredients keeps your cells strong so your body systems work efficiently.
  • If you feel good, you’re more likely to take care of yourself in other ways.

Below you will find a summary of each food 

Guide to Healthy Lean Proteins:
Protein is composed of amino acids, known as the building blocks of muscle. The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) established by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences for protein is 1 - 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.  So, if you are 125 pounds you want to have between 125 and 187.5 grams of protein a day.  Spread out over 6 meals you are looking at 20 - 31 grams of protein per meal.

Chicken Breast: 
One of the cheapest lean protein sources available, chicken breast provides about 7 g protein per oz. When shopping, look for boneless skinless chicken breasts, as the majority of chicken fat is in and around the skin. To further reduce fat content, trim any remaining fat before cooking.

Lean Beef:
In addition to being full of protein, beef is also a good source of B vitamins and iron. However, many consider red meat unhealthy because of high saturated fat content and added hormones. Therefore, when shopping for beef, look for leaner cuts like top round, top sirloin, and flank steak. A general guideline is to look for a minimum 2 g protein to 1 g fat ratio. For ground beef, buy 90 percent lean or leaner. Also, whenever possible buy grass fed beef because this meat contains additional omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), both healthy types of fat.  I eat a lot of bison these days which is very lean and very tasty!

Salmon, tuna and shrimp are just a few sources of seafood lean protein sources. However, be careful with tuna, as excessive consumption can lead to mercury poisoning. (I'm talking to all my sushi loving friends here!) The Natural Defense Resource Council reports that tuna can have mercury content anywhere from .09 parts per million (ppm) to more that .5 ppm, depending on the type.

Egg Whites:
An egg consists of a white and a yolk. The white is a fast digesting protein while the yolk contains fat and cholesterol in addition to protein. By removing the yolk, you can eliminate a vast majority of the calories present in the egg without sacrificing all the protein content. Egg whites are available by the carton as well as in whole eggs.  I buy the Eggbeaters egg whites and make three egg white omelets with spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli (sometimes even mushrooms) every day with my oatmeal at my first meal.

Also high in fiber, beans are one of the rare plant sources of complete protein (containing all essential amino acids). There are a variety of bean types that provide similar nutritional benefits, including navy, pinto and black beans.

When shopping for dairy products, look for a high protein content with lower sugar content. Although all dairy items contain some amount of lactose (a simple sugar), milk and especially cottage cheese are good dairy protein sources.

Protein Powder:
For individuals who have a difficult time getting the appropriate amount of protein from whole food, protein powder is a convenient alternative. Protein powder can come from a variety of sources, including whey, casein, egg, soy and hemp. To select the type that is right for you, recognize that whey and casein are dairy sources and may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Note: I love the taste of protein bars but they should not be used as a staple in your diet. They are heavily processed and you never know exactly what you are eating. am NOT a big fan of protein bars.  They are heavily processed and I'd rather make my own.  

Healthy Fats:
You want to be eating these Essential Fatty Acids (or EFAs) once or twice a day and in moderation.  Adding EFA’s to your diet must be done moderately, even though they are “healthy fats” they are high in calories. You cannot eat your fill of them. Rather, you add a small amount to your daily meals and snacks (aiming for about 20% of your daily calories to come from such foods as nuts, olive oil, avocado and flax).

Here is a list of my favorite healthy fats and a guideline as to what constitutes a serving: The calories and macronutrient amounts may vary based on brand.

Olive Oil = 1 TBS = 120 cals = 13.5g fat 
In order to reap the benefits of olive oil, it should be added to food AFTER the food is cooked. Drizzle on salads and fresh vegetables. Topping a tomato with a bit of olive oil will increase your body's ability to use the lycopene in the tomato.

Natural Nut Butters (Peanut, Almond, etc) = 1 Tbs = 100 cals = 8g fat
A reasonable serving of natural peanut butter is one tablespoon for a snack and two tablespoons for a meal. Please understand that you must eat the NATURAL peanut butter. Read the ingredients and if it lists hydrogenated anything, put it back on the shelf.

Almonds = 1 oz. (22 whole) = 170 cals = 17g fat
Avoid salted as they are high in sodium. Add a small apple and you have an easy-to-pack, healthy, mid-afternoon snack!

Avocado = 1 medium = 115 cals = 15g fat
Avocados are so yummy! Try them on your salad, on top of black bean soup, with salsa on your egg whites, or in your tuna wrap. They add a creamy, tasty and satiating bit of fat to your meal so that you stay full until the next feeding.  My favorite way to get avocados is in some of my favorite sushi dishes!

Ground Flax Seeds = 1 Tbs = 50 cals = 4g fat
I add a tablespoon to my morning oatmeal every morning! It adds a fun, nutty flavor. It's also quite delectable in yogurt or on top of cottage cheese and strawberries.

Flax Seed Oil = 1 Tbs = 115 cals = 15g fat
Combine with balsamic vinegar for a twist on your typical salad dressing. If you are into that whole nutty flavor thing, try substituting it for peanut butter in your protein shakes.

Salmon = 4oz = 200 cals = 9.2 g fat
Not all fish are created equally.  Cold water fish are more closely aligned with protein sources whereas warm water fish like salmon is high in protein (19grams per 4oz. serving) and low in carbs (0) but also higher in their fat content. It is best to eat it broiled, baked, poached or steamed. I am more of a white fish (cold water fish). If you are lucky enough to live on the west coast, chose wild salmon over fresh or Atlantic. It will have the lowest mercury and PCB levels. Recent research has assured me that eating even the Atlantic salmon twice a week is OK for most adults. However, women who are pregnant or breast feeding should consult their doctor before making that decision.

Guide to Healthy High Fiber Carbohydrates:

The high fiber complex carbs are a group of complex carbohydrates. High fiber complex carbs are usually present in plants. Their chemical structure makes them indigestible by humans. Humans lack the enzymes that help break down the bonds between the complex sugar units. Thus, most of the dietary fiber passes out of the body without begin digested.

There are two types of dietary fibers, soluble and insoluble. They help in improving gastrointestinal health, increasing glucose tolerance and insulin levels in the body. Dietary fibers help in reduction of hypertension, coronary heart disease risk factors, cancer and even hyperlipidemia. A food like oatmeal includes both forms of fiber.

The following is a list of high fiber carbs (it includes starchier carbs - those are detailed further below and you should have 3 or 4 servings a day):
•Apples with skin
•Apricots, dried
•Avocado (also a great source of healthy fats)
•Cantaloupe, cubes
•Figs, dried
•Peaches, dried

•Beet greens
•Bok choy
•Brussels sprouts
•Collard greens
•Corn, sweet
•Green beans
•Onions, raw
•Peppers, sweet
•Popcorn, air-popped
•Potato, baked with skin
•Summer squash
•Sweet potato
•Swiss chard
•Winter squash

Cereal, Grains, Pasta 
•Bran cereal
•Bread, whole wheat
•Oats, rolled dry
•Pasta, whole wheat
•Rice, dry brown

Beans, Nuts, Seeds 
•Black beans
•Flax seeds
•Garbanzo beans
•Kidney beans
•Lentils, red
•Lima beans
•Pistachio nuts
•Pumpkin seeds
•Sunflower seeds

Starchier Carbs - Keep it to 3 or 4 servings a day 
Starchy foods include potatoes, legumes and beans, cereals, rice, grains, and breads from the list above. When faced with starchy carbs, be sure to reach for whole grains, which are healthier due to their nutritional content and higher levels of fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Starch is an important source of energy for our bodies and the main source of a range of nutrients, such as fiber, calcium, iron and B vitamins. A healthy diet typically means having a few healthy starch sources.

Legumes, Peas and Beans
Lentils, split peas, kidney beans and chickpeas--they're all chock full of starchy carbs and a ton of fiber. Add these foods to your casserole, chili, stew or curry dishes in place of meat, which will cut the saturated fat and the price of the meal.

Reach for wholegrain cereals or add a half cup of whole grain cereal to your favorite cereal until you grow accustomed to the taste and texture. Oatmeal and porridge are delicious on a cold winter morning. These options will fill you up with fiber and keep you satisfied. You can jazz up your warm breakfast with yogurt and fresh fruit.

Rice and Grains
Rice and grains are a wonderful choice for a starchy carb. They supply us with energy, are low in fat and supply us with protein, fiber and B vitamins. To stay in a clean zone, swap your white rice for brown, long grain, basmati, wild or abborio rice. Or you might try a new grain, such as bulgur wheat, buckwheat, quinoa or amaranth. Quinoa is my personal favorite!  When creating a pasta dish, reach for whole grain or try couscous, topped with a tomato based sauce, a drizzle of olive oil and fresh herbs. Each of these foods can be eaten cold or hot in main or side dishes, stuffed into root vegetables or atop salads.

Bread is a starchy food, like pasta, potatoes and rice, but whole grain, whole meal and brown varieties supply us with energy and contain vitamin E, fiber and minerals. This includes breads, crackers, pretzels, tortillas, baked goods, pancakes, pitas, bagels, waffles and other wheat products

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